

Mountain Bike Strength & Conditioning

How it works:

-There are 3 workouts every week, each consisting of 3 blocks; strength, conditioning and core. We recommend a proper 10-15 minute warm up before each workout consisting of steady state cardio and any dynamic stretching/body prep applicable to the days movement patterns.

-This program builds on each workout and on each week so make sure you work through it in succession and don’t jump around from workout to workout.

-Each workout is based on a functional movement pattern. You will push, pull, lunge, squat, hinge, rotate, flex, extend, jump etc…

-Record all of your workout scores and times as well as the amount of weight lifted in each strength session. This can be done with regular pen and paper or on a spreadsheet.

-Every session is accompanied by a video description as well as a pdf copy of the workout. We recommend watching each video as we will go over the entire workout, what the intention of the exercises are as well as go through a full breakdown of each movement. This way you know exactly what to do, what to expect and understand proper movement.

*If you are new to strength and conditioning and/or these movements/exercises, we highly recommend seeking out a qualified coach or trainer to make sure you are moving in a safe, healthy way.

If you have any questions, please reach out to info@evergreenstrength.com

Week 1

Week 1 - Fitness Testing

In week one we are testing our 3 rep max on various lifts as well as testing our conditioning capacity.

IMPORTANT! Use your 3 rep max to estimate your 1 rep max using this formula: 3 rep max divided by .93 = 1 rep max.

Example: 300/.93= 322

We will use percentages of your estimated 1 rep max throughout the rest of the program so make sure you calculate this number for each lift.

Week 2

Week 2

We are using 70% of our estimated 1 rep max for our main strength lifts this week. Your first working set should start at 70% and build from there if you can.

Example: 3 rep max = 300.

300/.93 = 322 (1 rep max)

322 x .7 = 225. 225= 70%

Week 3

Week 3

Week 4

Week 4

Week 5

Week 5

Week 6

Week 6

Week 7

Week 7

Week 7 is all about DE-LOADING. A de-load week simply means we are dialing back our intensity level to give our bodies a chance to rest and fully recover. This is important to do after consistent training to avoid plateaus and over training.

This week we will be dropping our sets down to 3 and dropping our lifting percentages down to 50%. Our strength portion should not feel too heavy or challenging. Approach your workouts with 50% of your regular intensity. This will allow your body to adapt to all the training stress so far, fully recover and be primed for testing next week.

Week 8

Week 8 - Fitness Testing

Week 8 is all about testing! We will be re-testing the same workouts from week one. We have linked week 1 videos below for your reference.

Make sure you are adequately warming up for these strength movements and prepping your body to move heavier loads. Good luck and let us know how you improved!