At-Home Mountain Bike
Strength & Conditioning Program - 8 Week
How it works.
3 Session a week. Strength. Accessory. Condition.
Record all of your workout scores and times, as well as the amount of weight lifted in each strength session.
If you are new to strength and conditioning and/or these movements or exercises, we highly recommend seeking out a qualified coach or trainer to make sure you are moving in a safe, healthy way.
Equipment list: We recommend 3 pairs of dumbbells — Light, moderate and heavy & 3 Kettlebells — Light, moderate and heavy.
Kettlebells & Dumbbells are interchangeable when applicable, use what you can.
You will also need:
Light looped resistance band
Week 1
Session 1
Strength 1:
-Dumbbell Front Squat 3x15
-Dumbbell Supine Bent Over Row 3x10
Strength 2:
-Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat 3x10 each leg
-Dumbbell Reverse Flies 3x10
2 rounds for time
-Burpees x 30
-Mountain Climbers x 50 total
-Russian Kettlebell Swings x 30 (#53/35)
-Mountain Climbers x 50 total
-Russian Twists with Dumbbell x 30 (#25/15)
-Mountain Climbers x 50
-V Ups x 30
Session 2
Strength 1:
-Kettlebell Deadlift 3x15
-Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press 3x8 each arm
Strength 2:
-Single Leg Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift 3x10 each leg
-Dumbbell Bench Press 3x8
Alternating EMOM (every minute on the minute) x 12 minutes
-Push Ups x 10
-Lateral Line Hops x 20
-Kettlebell Ground to Overhead x 15 (#35/26)
-Superhero Raises x 20
Session 3
Strength 1:
-Kettlebell Upright Row 3x15
-Kettlebell Goblet Forward Lunge 3x8 each leg
Strength 2:
-Alternating Kettlebell Gorilla Row 3x16 total
-Dumbbell Front Squat 3x8
AMRAP (as many rounds and reps as possible) x 15 minutes
-Run x 400m or 90 seconds
-Air Squats x 25
-Russian Twists with Dumbbell x 20 (#25/15)
Week 2
Session 1
Strength 1:
-Dumbbell Push Press 3x12
-Contralateral Single Arm and Single Leg Kettlebell Row + Romanian Deadlift 3x8 each leg
Strength 2:
-Contralateral Single Arm and Single Leg Dumbbell Glute Bridge Floor Press 3x8 each side
-Banded Russian Kettlebell Swings 3x12
AMRAP (as many rounds and reps as possible) x 16 minutes
-Single Arm Dumbbell Thruster x 10 total (#30/20)
-Run x 200m or 45 seconds
-Contralateral Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Reverse Lunges x 10 total (#30/20)
-Mountain Climbers x 40 total
Session 2
Strength 1:
-Dumbbell Front Rack Step Up 3x8 each leg
-Superhero Swimmers 3x20
Strength 2:
-Kettlebell Goblet Squats 3x12
-Dumbbell Renegade Rows 3x14 total
4 rounds for time
-Superhero Raises x 15
-V Ups x 15
-Burpees x 15
-Kettlebell Goblet Squats x 15 (#53/35)
Session 3
Strength 1:
-Single Leg Elevated Dumbbell Glute Bridge 3x8 each leg
-Alternating Dumbbell Z Press 3x10 total
Strength 2:
-Kettlebell Romanian Deadlifts 3x12
-Dumbbell Curl to Press 3x10
3 rounds for time
-Run x 800m or 3 minutes 30 seconds
-Russian Kettlebell Swings x 25 (#53/35)
-Kettlebell Straight Leg Twists x 12 (#53/35)
Week 3
Session 1
Strength 1:
-Dumbbell Seated Jumps 3x10
-Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch 3x6 each arm
Strength 2:
-Dumbbell Split Squats 3x8 each leg
-Behind the Neck Superhero Banded Row 3x20
AMRAP (as many rounds and reps as possible) x 15 minutes
-Dumbbell Renegade Rows x 10 total (#30/20)
-Knee Tucks x 15
-Dumbbell Farmer Carry Forward Lunges x 20 total (#30/20)
-Run x 200m or 45 seconds
Session 2
Strength 1:
-Rear Foot Elevated Single Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 3x10 each leg
-Contralateral Half Kneeling Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press 3x8 each arm
Strength 2:
-Double Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift 3x10
-Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press 3x14 total
For time
-Burpees x 40
-Russian Kettlebell Swings x 40 (#53/35)
-Dumbbell Plank Pull Throughs x 40 total (#30/20)
-Hand Release Push Ups x 40
Session 3
Strength 1:
-Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Row 3x10 each arm
-Dumbbell Walking Lunges 3x16 total
Strength 2:
-Dumbbell Hang Power Clean 3x8
-Kettlebell Front Squat 3x10
40 seconds on/20 seconds off x 4 rounds
-Step Ups (“24/20)
-Kettlebell Gorilla Rows (#35/26)
Week 4
Session 1
Strength 1:
-Kettlebell Goblet Strict Press 3x10
-Dumbbell Skier Swings 3x12
Strength 2:
-Kettlebell Tall Kneeling Press 3x10
-Dumbbell Death March 3x12 total
5 rounds for time
-Push Ups x 10
-Dumbbell Leg Raises x 12 (#25/20)
-Run x 400m or 90 seconds
Session 2
Strength 1:
-Kettlebell Front Rack Reverse Lunge + Squat 3x10
-Single Arm Kettlebell Upright Row 3x8 each arm
Strength 2:
-Single Arm Dumbbell Thruster 3x5 each arm
-Staggered Stance Band Row 3x10 each leg
For time
-Run x 400m or 90 seconds
-Kettlebell Goblet Squats x 20 (#53/35)
-Run x 400m or 90 seconds
-Kettlebell Goblet Reverse Lunges x 20 total (#53/35)
-Run x 400m or 90 seconds
-Split Jumps x 40 total
-Run x 400m or 90 seconds
-Jump Squats x 40
-Run x 400m or 90 seconds
Session 3
Strength 1:
-Staggered Stance Kettlebell Deadlift 3x6 each leg
-Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3x10
Strength 2:
-Single Arm Banded Russian Kettlebell Swings 3x6 each arm
-Kettlebell Overhead High Knee Marches 3x20 total
40 seconds on/20 seconds off x 4 rounds
-Kettlebell Ground to Overhead (#35/26)
-Kettlebell Deadlifts (#53/35)
Week 5
Session 1
Strength 1:
-Dumbbell Jump Squats 4x10
-Dumbbell Billy Bobs 4x8 total
Strength 2:
-Kettlebell Goblet Side Lunge 4x5 each side
AMRAP (as many rounds and reps as possible) x 16 minutes
-Leg Raises x 20
-Dumbbell Front Squats x 15 (#30/20)
-Dumbbell Renegade Rows x 10 total (#30/20)
-Box Jumps x 5 (“24/20)
Session 2
Strength 1:
-Kettlebell Sumo Deadlifts 4x10
Strength 2:
-Single Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 4x6 each leg
-Contralateral Single Arm and Single Leg Standing Dumbbell Strict Press 4x8 each side
Alternating EMOM (every minute on the minute) x 15 minutes
-Russian Kettlebell Swings x 15 (#53/35)
-Hand Release Push Ups x 10
-Russian Twists with Dumbbell x 20 (#25/15)
Session 3
Strength 1:
-Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch 4x6 each arm
-Kettlebell Goblet Split Jump 4x16 total
Strength 2:
-Staggered Stance Dumbbell Bent Over Row 4x8 each leg
5 rounds for time
-Dumbbell Power Snatch x 12 total (#35/20
-Dumbbell Thrusters x 12 (#35/20)
-Butterfly Sit Ups x 12
-Get Ups x 12
Week 6
Session 1
Strength 1:
-Dumbbell Floor Press 4x8
-Dumbbell Farmer Carry Deadlifts 4x10
Strength 2:
-Contralateral Single Arm and Single Leg Kettlebell Row + Romanian Deadlift 4x6 each side
3 rounds for time
-Dumbbell Push Press x 25 (#35/20)
-Run x 400m or 90 seconds
-Dumbbell Devil’s Press x 15 (#35/20)
-Run x 200m or 45 seconds
Session 2
Strength 1:
-Kettlebell Goblet Lateral Step Over 4x12 total
-Superhero Raises 4x20
Strength 2:
-Kettlebell Front Rack Forward Lunge 4x6 each leg
-Kettlebell Bent Over Row 4x10
30 seconds on/15 seconds off x 4 rounds
-Kettlebell Gorilla Rows (#35/26)
Session 3
Strength 1:
-Russian Kettlebell Swings 4x8
-Alternating Dumbbell Arnold Press 4x10 total
Strength 2:
-Kettlebell Burpee + Deadlift 4x8
-Dumbbell Billy Bobs 4x10 total
AMRAP (as many rounds and reps as possible) x 16 minutes
-Run x 800m or 3 minutes 30 seconds
-Russian Kettlebell Swings x 20 (#53/35)
Week 7
Session 1
Strength 1:
-Kettlebell Goblet Step Up 5x5 each leg
-Straight Arm Band Pull Down 5x15
Strength 2:
-Kettlebell Goblet Curl + Reverse Lunge 5x10 total
-Single Arm Kettlebell High Pull 5x5 each arm
TABATA (20 seconds on/10 seconds off x 8 rounds)
Rest 1 minute
TABATA (20 seconds on/10 seconds off x 8 rounds)
Rest 1 minute
TABATA (20 seconds on/10 seconds off x 8 rounds)
Session 2
Strength 1:
-Kettlebell Jumping Deadlift 5x8
Strength 2:
-Dumbbell Death March 5x12 total
-Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press 5x12 total
Alternating EMOM (every minute on the minute) x 12 minutes
-Kettlebell Deadlift x15 (#70/53)
-Plank Push Ups x 16 total
-Box Jumps x 10 (“24/20)
Session 3
Strength 1:
-Dumbbell Supine Bent Over Row 5x8
-Kettlebell Single Arm Squat Clean 5x5 each arm
Strength 2:
-Alternating Kettlebell Gorilla Row 5x12 total
-Ipsilateral Single Kettlebell Front Rack Step Up 5x5 each side
AMRAP (as many rounds and reps as possible) x 5 minutes
-Kettlebell High Pulls x 15 (#35/26)
-Kettlebell Goblet Lunges x 10 total (#35/36)
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP (as many rounds and reps as possible) x 5 minutes
-Dumbbell Renegade Rows x 10 total (#30/20)
-Dumbbell Front Squats x 10 (#30/20)
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP (as many rounds and reps as possible) x 5 minutes
-Superhero Raises x 20
-Split Jumps x 20 total
Week 8
Session 1
Strength 1:
-Kettlebell Goblet Bench Press 5x6
-Kettlebell Dynamic Deadlift 5x10
Strength 2:
-Kettlebell Goblet Strict Press 5x6
-Staggered Stance Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift 5x5 each leg
4 rounds for time
-Dumbbell Farmer Carry Step Ups x 10 total (#30-”24/20-20)
-Mountain Climbers x 40 total
-Jump Squats x 20
-Run x 400m or 90 seconds
Session 2
Strength 1:
-Single Kettlebell Squat Clean 5x6
-Behind the Neck Superhero Banded Row 5x15
Strength 2:
-Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat 5x6 each leg
-Kettlebell High Pull 5x8
Alternating EMOM (every minute on the minute) x 10 minutes
-Split Jumps x 20 total
-Dumbbell Renegade Rows x 12 total (#30/20)
Session 3
Strength 1:
-Banded Russian Kettlebell Swings 5x6
-Dumbbell Glute Bridge Floor Press 5x6
Strength 2:
-Double Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift 5x6
-Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press 5x5 each arm
AMRAP (as many rounds and reps as possible) x 12 minutes
-Kettlebell Ground to Overhead x 15 (#35/26)
-Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press x 12 total (#35/26)
-V Ups x 10